Level Up Physical TherapyVertigo. How long does it last ???How long does vertigo last? And how many treatment sessions are needed?
Level Up Physical TherapyHow Long Should I Rest After a Concussion?How much rest is best after a concussion?
Level Up Physical TherapyWhen is it Considered Slow to Recover from Concussion?When is it considered slow to recover from a concussion? Is it the same for adults and children?
Level Up Physical TherapyI rolled over in bed and now I feel Dizzy!A simple roll in bed can be the first trigger of vertigo. Understanding 'why' can help in reduce the fear it causes and understand treatment
Level Up Physical TherapyVertigoVertigo is an illusion of movement and can be related to how the inner ears are sensing head position or head movement.
Level Up Physical TherapyDizziness and DisorientationDizziness and disorientation are difficult to understand without knowing a little about what is going on in your head and nervous system.
Level Up Physical TherapyWhat are the symptoms of concussion?Concussion symptoms are varied. They might include headache, dizziness, memory problems, or sleep problems.
Level Up Physical TherapyRecognizing a Concussion: Does a person need to be “knocked out” to get a concussion?Recognizing a Concussion